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The 2023 Manzanillo Medical Sciences Graduation Ceremony is dedicated to FIDEL – Radio Rebelde

The 2023 Manzanillo Medical Sciences Graduation Ceremony is dedicated to FIDEL – Radio Rebelde

Manzanillo, Granma. – To Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, as the principal architect of Cuban medical training and promoter of the opening, 41 years ago, of the Celia Sánchez Mandoli College of Medical Sciences in this city, they dedicate the graduation ceremony of this higher educational center in 2023. in the eastern province of Granma.

“From today you assume a deep commitment to love, humanity, ethics and solidarity,” said Dr. Anibal Ernesto Ramos Socarras, Dean of the University of Medical Sciences of Granma to the 399 graduates of medicine and dentistry of Manzanilla College, and many hearts. dither.

The Celia Square of the aforementioned institution witnessed the words of the academic authority, not from the height of the leader of the Granma School of Medicine, but from a speech in which he distinguished the nobility, courage and responsibility of his new colleagues. They assumed the race to succeed.

“It is just a moment to take a breath and start on another path, perhaps more difficult than before, but still full of opportunities to grow as people and as professionals.”

At the 46th Graduation Ceremony of the Manzanillo College of Medical Sciences, 390 young people and nine dentistry students received their degrees as Doctors of Medicine who, through their performance, will strengthen the delivery of public health services in the municipalities of Bartolomé Masso, Yara, Manzanillo, Campichuela, Media Luna, Nicero And Belon.

A long applause was received by 62 graduates receiving the Gold Degree, 36 graduates receiving the Mario Muñoz Monroy status, eight receiving the Scientific Merit Award, and the leaders by fields and most comprehensively: from Dentistry, Dr. Alejandro Luis Gonzalez – Miranda Guerra and from Medicine, Dr. Susan Santisteban Puertas.

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The young woman thanked her teachers and her family, whose support and accompaniment she considered essential, her colleagues at the university who had become brothers, and the socialist project of Cuba that allowed them to obtain higher education without discrimination based on gender, race, social creed or economic class, with the virtue of sole devotion.

“We express our gratitude to Fidel, who devoted his entire life to medical training in Cuba, Latin America and the world and inspired the construction of our college, which became a university.

“This January 26 will, forever in our lives, be a happy day: the day we got our college diploma. We did it. 'Long live the White Coat Army forever!'Dr. Santisteban Puertas closed.

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The event was chaired by Yudelques Ortiz Barceló, First Secretary of the Party of Granma, and Yanetse Terre Gutiérrez, Governor of Granma, accompanied by the main leaders of the city, in which other academic officials from the University of Medical Sciences also participated. Dr. Yelenis Elias Monti, Regional Director of this sector, from the Ministry of Public Health, teachers, parents and relatives of the graduates attended. (Photos by the author)