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Ten healthy habits for a year of well-being

Ten healthy habits for a year of well-being

Seasonal cycles teach us to renew. Winter is the time to pause, pause, and integrate, and from there, plan a year of well-being. The key is to incorporate a healthy routine and strict discipline. Creating positive habits improves our health holistically. There are practices such as going to the gym or going for a run that are beneficial to the body, but a holistic vision must be achieved in which the mind or spirit also benefits.

Books like U.Sn years of well-being (Cinco Tintas, 2023) are guidebooks with month-by-month guidelines to improve our quality of life. Suggestions include developing creativity through journaling or drawing, working with gratitude, being in nature, reflecting, cooking new recipes or creating daily rituals.

Winter is the time to pause, pause, and integrate, and from there, plan a year of well-being

Each month can have a different purpose. For example, January is a time to reset and consciously formulate new resolutions. February to explore. March to plant. April for communication and creativity. You may be starting to engage in outdoor activities. June to connect with the body and feel. The fires of the summer solstice mark the beginning of a new renewal. In July we bathe in nature and in August we live in expansion. The sea or the great blue teaches us to flow and when September comes we reap and gather what we have sown during the spring. Whether it's projects or the benefits of our established habits at the beginning of the year. In October, we begin to let go and rediscover things. November leads to thinking, pausing and working with crafts. The month of December is used to reflect on what the year has been like and celebrate the passing of cycles.

In July we bathe in nature and in August we live in expansion

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It's not healthy to stop and repeat ourselves, but it is healthy to install practices that give us happiness. Each individual must explore what suits him best, keeping in mind that worldview of man. We are body, mind and spirit. No matter how much we work on the former, nothing will improve if we continue with scattered or obsessive thoughts. Likewise, our souls require increasingly more attention, in these times of neurosis and mental illness.

Daily meditation improves our awareness. Practicing mindfulness is also good, as it brings the mind into the present moment. Nature gives us a relationship with the sacred. If one meditates or simply walks through the forest, one can perceive the wind, the roots of the earth, or focus on the sound of rain, and understand that water is life. We are life and everything is one.

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Visualize the wind and the roots of the earth or focus on the sound of rain

Practicing yoga nourishes our inner strength, and by becoming more flexible in the body, the mind can lose its rigidity. It is our central computer, the brightest diamond that should be associated with the radiance of the heart and emotions. It's good to always choose happiness, and to wake up every day grateful for the opportunity to live. Not only does the body benefit from a healthy diet, but it also benefits from cooking at reasonable hours.

Circadian rhythm requires living by following the sun's cycle, and sleeping the necessary hours and consistently. Only in this way can we stop the mind waves and the tired inner monologue that accompanies them. Journaling helps us focus and move from a cloudy mind to a clear mind. Creating rituals of patience, such as restoring furniture or simply washing the dishes with full attention, leads us to understand that a hurried life destabilizes us.

Circadian rhythm requires following the sun's cycle, and sleeping the necessary hours and consistently

There are many practices we can do during the year starting now. The important thing is to draw a road map and not abandon it. Our being will greatly appreciate it.

Three healthy practices


The joy of gratitude
Fill a box with keepsakes, whether they are photos, memories, beautiful quotes, or poems. You can include and include memories written in the form of short stories. In the evening, spend some time reflecting on your day and the things you are grateful for. Gather them into a list and add them to checkout. At the end of each week, take something from it to remind yourself of your gratitude for life.


Discover your inner voice
Meditate for a moment. Stay silent in a secluded place. Breathe slowly and deeply. When you're ready, get a notebook and focus on things you wouldn't normally say to yourself. Who are you to yourself? This may be the most basic question to answer. Flow through your writing and don't stop thinking too much. Don't let your inner voice be drowned out by outside noise. Express yourself openly.


Consider a star
Next time you look up at the night sky, choose a star and focus all your attention on it. Focus this experiment in a place where there is no excessive light pollution. Allow the act of stargazing to introduce you to it. Enter a state of peace and calm. Finally, broaden your gaze and contemplate the sky as a group of stars with which you share the path of life

Journaling helps us focus and move from a cloudy mind to a clear mind.

Journaling helps us focus and move from a cloudy mind to a clear mind.

Getty Images

Ten healthy habits for the new year

1. Create a consistent routine

Although we live in change, the body and mind appreciate a consistent routine. In this way we create cycles and mechanisms that can be useful to us. Get up and meditate. Always eat lunch and dinner at the same time. Provide a reading space at the end of the afternoon. Slow cooked on Saturday. Tidying up the house on Sunday. The magic of the system revolves around us.

2. Eat slowly

Slow food in a fast world. You can start by being the person who cooks for yourself. Do it without haste, paying attention to each process. Likewise, enjoy the act of sharing at the table, trying not to take away from the act of eating. Watching food is distracting and talking about the problems of the day doesn't feel good. Watch what you eat. Observe, taste and chew slowly. Your mind and body will thank you.

Although we live in change, the body and mind appreciate a consistent routine

3. Connect with your senses

As an exercise in attention and concentration, it is very healthy to be able to connect with the senses. It's just a matter of focus. Observe what is in front of you, what you hear, what you touch, the smells that surround you or the flavors that linger in your mouth. Write about what you would like to see, touch or listen to…

4. Speak positively

We live in complaint and we will certainly have many reasons for this. However, as we think and express it, it is better to get out of negativity. Stop starting sentences with “no” and fill them with “but.” Speak positively and look at life with optimism, even if you have to do it hard during the first days. If you can get past the complaining, your life will change instantly.

We live in an age of noise, so learn to spend parts of the day in silence

We live in an age of noise, so learn to spend parts of the day in silence

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5. Practice silence

We live in an age of noise, so learn to spend parts of your day in silence. Observe in full attention. Integration, listening and empathy, without having to express an opinion or express any idea. You can remain silent when eating or during activities where you normally talk. Also try to stop your internal monologue.

6. Good wishes

We are many people on this planet. In addition to focusing on yourself, try to empathize with the rest of the world, and send well wishes. Ask the universe for good for everyone and persevere in goodness. The law of karma will reward you.

7. Meditation

Meditation is being with yourself. Nothing more. Position is not so important but the ability to take time, preferably upon waking up or at the end of the night to listen to yourself, feel yourself and reduce your mental acuity. The key is breathing. Slow and deliberate through the nose and in four stages. Inhaling and holding air, exhaling and holding without air.

Meditation is being with yourself. Nothing more. Attitude is not so important but the ability to make time

8. Create a space of intimacy

To meditate it is necessary to have a private space. A secluded and personal place where you can be quiet. It does not have to be a place of passage, nor does it have to be an altar. Any corner of the house is fine, if you are sure you can be calm and silent. Just as important as the place is choosing the right time.

9. Breathe

It is very difficult for us to breathe consciously. Both yoga and meditation help us do this, as do various sports such as swimming, cycling or trekking. Long, deep breathing is the way to a healthier body and mind.

10. Walking at night

Go for a walk at night when the city is quieter or when nature has toned down its intensity. It's good to experience the dark. It is natural for our biology as well as for restful sleep. Turning off mental activity and going for a walk at night can be very relaxing. The important thing is not the destination, but the important thing is to move without a specific direction.

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