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The “5a” rule to have more energy and eat healthier

The “5a” rule to have more energy and eat healthier

Although they tell us this positively and negatively, there are those who turn a deaf ear to the following statement: Nutrition and exercise are essential for a healthy life. Therefore, to be fit and healthy and boost your immune system, it is essential to focus on a healthy and balanced diet every day. Among all these successful methods, the 5A rule stands out: a little-known method that helps you follow a healthy diet.

As pharmacist Belén Acero, owner of Farmacia Avenida América and expert in skin pharmacology and nutrition, points out, “The 5A method is based on the quality of the products we combine, on full calories versus empty calories, on the quantities eaten and “of course on the proportions on the plate.” This is where the balance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins comes into play. “That’s why we should avoid industrial preparations, which are often rich in preservatives and additives, and learn to decode and read labels.”

But what is it exactly? The expert comments that the 5A rule is a “new visionary and more global” approach to healthy eating. It should be high in plant content, varied to maximize nutrients and live, i.e. with seasonal products, raw or lightly cooked to preserve them. Vitaminstrace elements and antioxidants. Therefore, the 5A Method was developed to combat factors that can alter our immune defenses and energy. Then it is a matter of adopting a healthy diet based on these five elements: anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, hypoglycemics, anti-biotics, and anti-toxins.

“These five pillars allow us to regulate our diet to provide our body with all the nutrients necessary for its proper functioning. It highlights strengthening the immune system, in addition to helping you eat a healthy and balanced diet daily. It is also beneficial for lifting mood, fighting fatigue and providing a boost of energy.

Factors that can affect our immunity and energy

According to Belén Acero, they are as follows:

– Abdominal inflammation

– Oxidation

– Hyperinsulinism

– Dysbacteriosis

– Poisoning

An unbalanced diet activates innate immunity and weakens acquired immunity, which can cause a chronic inflammatory condition and a change in our defenses. Therefore, the five factors mentioned above, all interconnected, influence immunity: inflammation, oxidative stress, hyperinsulinemia, dysbiosis, and toxicity. Hence the importance of keeping these five main mechanisms under control.

Add these foods

By providing nutrients involved in the mechanisms of proper functioning of our immune system, food plays a crucial role in our state of health. Power supply based on 5A:

Anti-inflammatories: Foods rich in Omega 3, phytonutrients, spices…

Anti-oxidant: Vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, oilseeds, seeds…

Anti-hyperglycemic agents: Low glycemic index foods, rich in fiber, solid and whole, with a citrus flavor and rich in fiber. Omega 3 Of animal origin…

Anti-dysbiosis: Foods rich in probiotics such as yogurt, lacto-fermented vegetables, raw milk cheeses, and others. Prebiotics: vegetables, fruits, tubers, seeds, etc.

Antitoxin: Organic, fresh, well-preserved foods cooked at a low temperature.