“Seamless” updates to Android are starting to work faster, so Samsung and other manufacturers may now decide to use them.
We’ve known that for a long time Google He wants to force all manufacturers to adopt the new A/B update system on Android, also known as “Seamless updates” This has a very important novelty for users since then It promises to keep your smartphone or tablet working during the update itselfwhich will be installed transparently and start working after a simple reboot.
It sounds good on paper, but it looks good on Pixel phones Made by Google I have always warned against Extreme slowness when applying the update In that secondary department, with times over 30 minutes the Mountain View giant has been trying to reduce them in every way possible for some time.
Now we know that The problem has been more or less solved by GoogleAnd the Pixel user community formed in Reddit He comments that the Android 14 QPR2 Beta 1 update was released just a few days ago Installation takes place in just a few minutes6 or 7 to be precise, which confirms the giant step in this sense.
This was actually one of the greats Historical issues with Pixel phonesThat’s always it It took a long time to update no matter how much the device kept working While completing the process it always requires a reboot by the user, who will obviously wait to accept the reboot mentioned above.
The popular A/B (or “seamless”) updates that Google has historically wanted to make mandatory on Android have improved to the point of installing within minutes, so it’s definitely time for Samsung and others to embrace this technology.
Perhaps for this reason, Samsung and other manufacturers They have always kept their idea Do not support unattended Android updatesinstalled in the foreground and the device is unusable, but in a more controlled and faster way to a minimum.
With this improvement in procedure and now with these higher speeds, Surely it’s time to force Samsung and others to use them Seamless updates So we can continue to use our phones while they are updated with the latest news, but always In the secondary memory section Which will take effect after reboot.
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