One of the things users use WhatsApp What they like is that they are currently receiving a series of changes to look more and more like Telegram. For example, you now have channels and conversations to be able to find out what you like and what interests you.
However, people still prefer to have it Whatsapp plus. The latest version already allows you to edit messages, but changing their design remains in the past. Still want to download it? Here we leave you the October 2023 APK file.
Look: Trick to activate “Off Mode” in WhatsApp
Always remember to update the modified app so that there is no problem with your app otherwise your account may be banned.
Download WhatsApp Plus APK: latest version October 2023
- The first thing is to make a backup of your WhatsApp chats.
- In case you don’t like WhatsApp Plus, you can go back to the original app without problems.
- When everything is completely organized, you can simply uninstall the Meta application from your cell phone.
- Also remember to check your files if there is anything related to regular WhatsApp. If it is there, try deleting it.
- At that moment, download WhatsApp Plus, APK August 2023, Latest Version, using this connection.
- When everything is ready, give Google Chrome the appropriate options to install third-party software.
- Now you just have to enter your cell phone number, then the verification code, your name and, if necessary, a profile photo.
- Once done, you will be able to access your entire contact list so you can chat with them without a problem.
Remember that in order to contact you via WhatsApp in case you have any questions or just a problem with your Android or iPhone, you can use this connection.
A form will open there for you to fill in all your personal information: including your real name, email, it can be your Gmail or any company, the country you are writing from, as well as your cell phone number, which must be accompanied by your country code.
Then you have to write your question in the small box with a specific number of characters, try to be very specific and do not skimp on the details that you know can only be resolved in person. When you send it, WhatsApp will contact you via your cell phone with an automatic reply so you can chat directly.
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