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Tiktoker for “Yahritza y su Esencia” shows the love he feels for Mexico: “Washington or something else”

Tiktoker for “Yahritza y su Esencia” shows the love he feels for Mexico: “Washington or something else”

Nikita Aleksandruk Yahritza has learned that he loves Mexico. (Tik Tok)

And by showing his deviation from the quality of life and gastronomy in Mexico, the criticism continues Yehritsa and its essenceso creators from other countries who love our country talked about it.

Proof of this is tiktoker Nikita Alexandrukwho took off with a video clip against the arcade group lying on an insult charge Quality of life and gastronomy in Mexico.

In the aforementioned audiovisual material, a Russian influencer can be seen listening in BHe cooks the song “Frágil” for Yahritza and its essence; But before he could finish listening to the chorus’ “Why don’t I have a heart like that?” Hits the device as a matter of rejection.

He then puts on his table a styrofoam plate containing some tacos with salsa and lime, which he prepares and savors with pleasure, but not before expressing.Washington, nothing at all.referring to what Yahritsa said, who hates the noise of the Mexico City, so he prefers to be in the US capital.

After his video went viral on TikTok, with more than 1.8 million views and thousands of users. He applauded and confessed his love for our country.

“Who else wants some tacos?” “You missed a little check in the bag, Dad.”“,” He made his tacos like a real Mexican “,” Russian bro, you’re actually Mexican “,” Tqm, Mexican Russian “,” “It’s 11 o’clock at night and they’re craving some tacos, wait, I’m going to go get some.”“Brother, you make my face when I try tacos and I’m Dominican and I’m crazy about going to Mexico,” “I was craving them,” “add more salsa, it doesn’t hurt,” “you shouldn’t miss the aluminum foil,” some of the comments on The viral video has more than a million views.

Tiktok user Nikita Alexandrov tasted some tacos saying: ‘Washington, nothing at all’ Credit: Tiktok @leningonzalez_

At the beginning of this month, the recumbent arcade group visited CDMX where they held a press conference and held Demeaning comments about DC especially when mentioning they hate food.

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“Yeah, I like it, but I don’t like it when I wake up When I sleep because cars are audible“The police sirens and everything, but I love it, it’s beautiful,” Yahritz said.

Members of the group came under fire on social networks for these comments: (TikTok/@orlinjimenezgarcia)

“I don’t really like the food here, I like where we live better. In Washington they give it a spicy spice and it tastes good. I enjoy chicken more.comment Armando “Mando” MartinezGroup member who was also born in Michoacan.

“I don’t like that they don’t even have chili. The soda here tastes different, it burns your throat even more. Highlights of Jairo Martinez.