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Ledezma says he will not fall into Maduro’s “trap”.

Ledezma says he will not fall into Maduro’s “trap”.

Opposition leader Antonio Ledezma reported that he refused to make statements from the Madrid Public Prosecutor’s Office, via telecoms, to the Venezuelan Public Prosecutor’s Office; He claimed his case was at the International Criminal Court: “I have to testify before that court.”

Last Thursday, Ledezma went to the Spanish Public Prosecutor’s office, for which she had been summoned through a correspondence handed to her by an official of the Civil Guard in Madrid.

According to a press release, he appeared at the appointed time at 3:00 pm at the Public Prosecution headquarters, where he was received by prominent authorities and Spanish prosecutor Jose Miguel Combam to attend his case and explain the reasons for the request. to appear. The former mayor of the capital was assisted by lawyer Blas Jesus Emproda, former president of the International Criminal Bar Association and currently a member of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers.

He emphasized that “the summons came in response to a request for mutual assistance in criminal matters.”

On leaving the meeting with the Spanish Public Prosecutor, he lashed out “They wanted me to announce, via remote information technology, to the officials of the apparatus of persecution serving Nicolás Maduro, that everything related to file MP / 15148/2022, related to the trial they came up against me and accused me with false evidence of treason and link to overthrow him.

Ledezma stressed that “this case is under investigation at the International Criminal Court and I must declare before that court as I have already done on repeated occasions, as I have also done before the United Nations Commission on Fact-Determination. Of course I refused to testify because I have nothing to declare to that dictatorship which does not I know it because I am part of the illegal regime that commits crimes against humanity.

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He confirmed the arguments he presented before the Spanish Public Prosecutor’s Office:

“I can hardly expose myself to this Madurista hoax,” I declare to a body like the Venezuelan Public Prosecutor’s Office, whose leader, Tarik William Saab, has been sanctioned since January 19, 2018 by the European Union, a political activist of that pseudo-revolution who runs a “police station policy” dedicated to giving Judicialization of politics, to persecute dissidents, to repair crimes committed against Fernando Albán, against Cap. Rafael Acosta Arevalo, Inspector Oscar Pérez and his companions pierced with bullets in Caracas, of students like Neumar Lander, of Bernalet, of Valenilla, of Canizales, torture against Captain Caguaaribano , against Laurent Salih, Filca Fernandez, Wilmer Azoges, against General Baduel, Franklin Brito, Rodolfo González, Vasco da Costa, among the many victims of torture supported by the illegal public prosecutor’s office in Venezuela.

In addition, he warned that Maduro seeks to “distort” the stage of investigation he is going through at the International Criminal Court “by launching this disguise, pretending that they are busy publishing thousands of files and complaints filed in The Hague Court” and sentences have been passed against them. “That is why I refuse to fall into this trap, bearing in mind that I was never a beneficiary of due process while in Venezuela.”

“I had only one hearing for me and they asked to serve 26 years in prison, also the person directly responsible for these arbitrary arrests and killings is Maduro, he issued arrest and killing orders, part of that deadly triangle of which they are also part Gustavo Gonzalez Lopez and the Prosecutor Kathryn Harrington”.

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