a family Andrea Ruiz Costas The woman killed a month after unsuccessfully demanded a protection order from the Caguaas court against her attacker and later murderer – today that recordings of court sessions in which she was denied protection be made public.
“Andrea’s family supports the demands to remove the masks that were issued andto Court of Cajuas It is alleged that to “Protect, not re-photograph,” Andrea. We wonder why he didn’t protect her when I asked for it? Why did they turn their backs on him? How many women will have to go through these dire consequences? That is, the state had the opportunity to protect her while she was alive. Cry out for it after following due process however Judges Aviles and Alvarado Rodriguez They ignored his request for help, “they read the relatives’ written statements.
The family does not hesitate to point out that Andrea’s judicial system has failed. “Andrea’s tragic death caused deep indignation not only because of the atrocities committed against her life but also because the judiciary had let her down. We are grateful to Puerto Rico for raising her voice in the face of the injustice and mishandling of the case before Judges Sonia Neves and Ingrid Alvarado Rodriguez. We also thank the respected press. They are sensitive to this process and to Puerto Rican police over their effective investigative work, ”added family members
“The Honorable Mighty Aurunoz, President of the Supreme Court claims that she has been devastated and that she will assume her responsibility. So we ask the judiciary to show transparency and bear its commitment to the family and the homeland. As Andrea said,” It might be a lesson. “Her death was not in vain and that this immediate and forceful measure must do justice to Andrea, to protect all women from this rampant violence and to provide accounts for the country,” read the statements that they are sure that they are the only ones to be issued at the moment.
Some voices in the victim’s own voice show her disappointment with the system, describing the hostile treatment by one of the judges who heard the case. In two cases, Ruiz Costas went to court and neither was he able to obtain protection.
On March 26, Ruiz Costas went to the court of Cajuas, however Judges who saw the resource They found no reason to arrest him Miguel Angel Ocasio Santiago s A protection order was also not issued. Ocasio Santiago admitted to having fought Andrea.
We recommend listening to this episode of Con Los Editores’ podcast on the crisis of violence against women:
The women killed so far this year are:
- Angie Noemi Gonzalez Santos
- Janet Rodriguez Ramos
- Rosetta Alicia Delgado
- Almonds Santiago Santiago
- Andrea Ruiz Costas
- Kishla Rodriguez Ortiz
- Samuel Edmund Valentine (Transman)
If you are in a violent relationship or feel threatened, seek help at 787-722-2977 or search through the following support options: Here
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