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Border passengers board an international flight by mistake

Border passengers board an international flight by mistake

He wanted to fly to Florida but got on a plane that landed in Jamaica

RR | Miami | May 8, 2023
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Related topics: Beverly Ellis Hibberd, Frontier, Miami

On a Frontier flight operating the route between Philadelphia and Jacksonville, Florida, passenger Beverly Ellis Hibbard was transferred to Jamaica, where she had to spend many hours boarding Philadelphia without a passport.

Ellis-Hebard says that between going to the bathroom and returning to the boarding gate, confusion arose, as a gate agent quickly confirmed it was the same person on the boarding pass and hurried her to board. As soon as she got on the plane, the passenger said, a flight attendant told her she was on a flight to Jamaica, being picked up by Simple Flying.

The error apparently arose due to a gate change on the Jacksonville flight that Ellis Hibbard was unaware of, and the agent’s failure to verify the passenger’s destination, allowing the plane to be misboarded.

The airline apologized to Beverly Ellis Hebard for the unfortunate experience, and issued her a $600 flight voucher valid for one year and a refund for her original flight.

As mentioned REPORTUR.us, In March, a passenger on a Frontier flight that took off from Miami International Airport was arrested after he verbally assaulted another user and threatened to hit him. (A female passenger on a Frontier flight was arrested for allegedly insulting and threatening another passenger.)

The police entered the plane to arrest the woman, but she resisted, and in the video you can see how the agents pull her out to put her in the patrol car.