East Africa News Post

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An emotional performance by Ricardo Gareca with Velez Sarsfield half time

An emotional performance by Ricardo Gareca with Velez Sarsfield half time

Ricardo Garica He was moved to tears at his presentation as The new coach of Velez SarsfieldWhich included an appearance and then a greeting before Castle sympathizers in it Amalfitani Stadiumwhich opened its doors to the reception More than five thousand people.

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be in the Phillies again, Brings back all kinds of memoriesOf all the things one has experienced here. It’s an honor that Vélez gave me the chance again.”

Tiger He was with him at the director’s press conference Christian Basedapresident Sergio Rabisarda and vice president Diego Gonzalez.

My whole family is very happy. If ever there was a feature of Vélez it is it Make people feel goodNo matter where one is, because this is football. Hope I can live up to it At this stage”.

Highlight your employees

As far as human materials you can count on, Yusr saidWell, to A well-armed team for what is coming

We really love campusI saw it when I was living abroad and it felt so good. The goal is for us to begin to position ourselves better, prof main partyvery important on Monday (before Platenci), against an opponent who also needs results and this is the first priority.”

Ecuador has thought about it a lot…

about him interest that Bicolor He said in his appointment:Ecuador stretched for a long time There was interest from both sides. An unexpected point was reached for me that was not resolved or took too long. Follow me to the end. But Phyllis called me“.