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“I got a zero on my first professional exam and then became number 1 in the MIR”

“I got a zero on my first professional exam and then became number 1 in the MIR”

He finished high school with honors and got a 13.3 in Selectividad. She was undecided between studying biochemistry or medicine, but eventually chose the latter and is now number one at MIR. Patricia Andres of Bilbao has 183 hits In the test given by medical students. Excited and somewhat distraught by the implications of her success, she attended LA RAZÓN to analyze the future of health in which she will play an integral role.

Was the road to becoming the best internist hard?

The truth is that the six years I got my degree were very good because I really loved studying, I was always very impulsive. But it is true that it was difficult. To prepare for the MIR, I invested seven months studying for an average of 12 hours per day: eight hours for affirmation and memorization, two hours for class and another two hours for exams. On Saturdays, we did four-hour rehearsals and on Sundays we devoted them to rest.

Social life at this time faded into the background …

Well, since my friends and my boyfriend are also studying medicine, we were all pretty much the same and made Sunday plans together. Even though it was an effort, I enjoyed it.

Are you from a family of health workers or are you the first doctor in your environment?

I am the black sheep of the family. My parents, who are already retired, work in management. But from the age of 12 it was clear to me that I love everything healthy, and even more so, in the summer I always took informative books on this topic with me on vacation.

I decided to study Dermatology at Basurto Hospital. Why did you choose this specialization?

I thought about it a lot because I really like everything. I asked before making the decision, including my friend’s father and uncle who are doctors. They told me to think with a professional vision, but also a future quality of life and possible outlets. In addition, I really like the research branch and there are many in this specialty. For me the most important thing is to help people and be happy. I think with dermatology I would make it happen.

There are those who were surprised by your choice of this major, being number 1 in your class…

I think I got criticized a lot on Twitter (laughs), but I honestly don’t care because I’m so glad I made my decision. It is a very cross-sectional specialty. I never aspired to have a big MIR, I just wanted to be able to do what I loved the most.

How was your student life? Have you been secluded for a long time or have you also enjoyed college life?

I enjoyed it very much, first of all, because I had the opportunity to leave the house. I went to study at the University of Navarre and the change of scenery was very positive. It is essential learning. During MIR, I went to an academy in Oviedo and lived with my classmates. These experiences are very positive. Now I’m going home to save a little because I’ve been a parasite for six years living off my parents, whom I have to thank infinitely for the gift they’ve given me.

The view is always on the new generations and the future they will shape. What role will youth play in the health system? Is our health system in danger?

I think my opinion is not important. I just finished school and still have a lot to learn. I think the people we should listen to are those who have worked in the health system for many years, who know what’s going on and how to solve the problems. I am in the moment to listen and learn from them.

Did you go out to demonstrate for public health? Where do you think the origin of these mass protests across Spain?

What I think is that primary care professionals should be listened to more, because they are the foundation of medicine. This specialization needs to be strengthened. I actually love him. When I did the rotation in primary care I thought it was lovely, but the doctor I was with told me that maybe now wasn’t the best time to pick him because the conditions they’re in are so bad. You pissed me off, because it seemed to me to be the key to our recovery.

Medicine is one of the most demanding professions, but not one of the most paid. Why is the requirement not compatible with the economic conditions?

I didn’t study medicine to make money, but because I love it. In fact, in dermatology it is one of the specialties where it is less expensive because there are no guards, where doctors can earn more. I don’t have this desire to get rich, I want to enjoy my profession, which helps the community and also allows me to have a happy and quality life.

Have you ever thought about throwing in the towel while racing?

There are moments of frustration. Know that students entering medicine are usually the first class at the institute. They arrive with notes, but then find that even if you study hard you can fail. In fact, in my case, on my first test, which was biostatistics, I got a zero and came up with a pretty good file. It was a “shock”. I spoke to my school teacher and she told me, “Forget about grades and learn.” It was a lesson I will not forget. The note remains in the curriculum and no one will remember it in the future. The key is to have fun and help those who need it and live. All professions are made to help others, but in life we ​​live in our own hands. This is a gift and you should enjoy it.