East Africa News Post

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magic power

magic power

From time immemorial, the exercise of power began as a person’s need to lead a goal for the greater good. Since man organized himself in society to help and cooperate to solve common problems, it was necessary to create hierarchies and power structures so that the set goals could be achieved by setting times, tasks, goals and rewards. Thus the exercise of power was born, and from then until now countless examples of extraordinary accomplishments of good leadership have emerged that have harmed an entire community and several generations. There was everything in this history of the force.

Given the definition of Venezuelan writer Moises Naim in his book The End of Power, it means the ability to make someone do something or stop doing it. Note what a simple and straightforward description of the definition of the exercise of power. Without a doubt, the power of power is sometimes exercised with precision and in an appropriate sequence that garners respect and attention from the governed, but there are other authoritarian styles that succeed in exercising power on the basis of fear and the division of different levels of society, both economically and educationally. The best way to exercise power is to possess the power of persuasion, conviction and general motivation, and this is where the clean and pure essence of power lies. Not in the commitment to delegate but in the conviction of it.

Whenever I ask my students if they would like to command or obey more, most of them ask me to command. This means that in the inner core of many people there is a “magic of power” which involves great responsibility and lasting commitment, even outside the mandates that are exercised as we have observed at various times. So our job as a society is to train people with leadership skills to exercise the required power in governments, businesses, schools, churches, civic associations, militaries, and multilateral organizations. One of the main tools for controlling and balancing power abuses is the political counterweight that lies in the legislative and judicial spheres, non-governmental organizations, social networks, media, intellectuals, international organizations, and educated and educated civil society. Criticism, all these elements managed to restrain the excesses of power to a large extent.

We need leaders with a vision of the future, simplicity, clarity and morals so that they know how to explain to the governed what the current conditions of a nation or country are and the ways to be followed to reach the goal. They know how to excite and persuade with arguments and beliefs, not with events or divisions, that polarize or use the easy and harmful resource to discredit themselves to prove themselves, and go from giving their copies to turning them into aversion. Society today more than ever requires peace and quiet, work, health and quality education, and to achieve this, a balanced, intelligent, sustainable and substantial exercise of power, with the participation of citizens, is needed.

One of the most important lessons of power is to learn not only to exercise it correctly, but also to know how to leave it with dignity and at times determined by civil laws or human nature, which will always be wiser. Relinquishing power means not only losing official power, but also taking a step toward freedom with the satisfaction of fulfilling one’s duty. There are many leaders who have fought and are still fighting for power, and their obsession increases to the point that once they reach their goal, they become slaves of their own desires.

The best way to exercise power is to command obedience, that is, to be a constant example, guide and leader. Let us identify true leaders, those with stories of loyalty, consistency, principles and values ​​such as simplicity, promoting teamwork, and lasting accountability. If we achieve this goal as a society, we will be able to see a real and real transformation that we must call revolution in the broad sense of evolution for change, but above all, for improvement, not just for the exercise of power, which ought to be. A social commitment, not a personal or collective ambition.

Ramiro Ramos Salinas holds an MBA and a Ph.D. in Public Administration. He is a Mexican businessman, author, university professor and politician. Twitter: @ramiroramosSal