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Research in the social sciences.  Awesome challenge.  – Sun Puebla

Research in the social sciences. Awesome challenge. – Sun Puebla

On July 1, the BUAP 2017-2021 Political Science Generation retained its graduation, headed by the newly elected Director of the College of Political and Social Sciences, who was also dismissed from the College of Law on June 30, 2022. We saw fifty young people preparing for their new life and work, although Few of them have already graduated, the rest will have to choose one of the forms that is accepted for their degree; Among them the thesis, less and less present choice, I think has serious consequences.

What is the thesis? It has been an issue that has even been taken up by university academies as a problem because students don’t choose it as a degree option. Indeed, our education system through the General Law on Education in Chapter 4 (Articles 52 to 55) provides for the promotion of research, sciences, humanities, technology and innovation. However, at least since the 1990s, the BUAP degree has been diversified, as well as in the rest of the country’s higher education institutions, and research support is not the only way to obtain a university degree.

Auto Score, CENEVAL Exam, Score by Research/Thesis, Degree Seminar, Technical Report for Social Work and/or Professional Practice, Optional subject with value in credits during the last semester of the study plan, appear on the Institutional page as degree options for the worthy University of Puebla With appreciation, this is beneficial for young people to get credit for pursuing a career, but what are the benefits to society? Given a study proving that there is at least a negative balance in the social sciences, let me clarify.

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In the social sciences, scientific work is multiplied because from the social point of view, the changing human will has no regular functioning. Perhaps this is why generations of young college students prefer not to venture down this path, and academic authorities facilitate for the sole purpose of ultimate proficiency.

I consider the negative balance of stopping research, with a scientific position, to be in the light. It is enough to think about the journalistic investigative work that made it possible for the series “Cannibals, Total Indignation” that primarily addresses the problems that police investigations have to find and pursue criminals.

How could a man have murdered and “disappeared” a woman for 31 years in Atizapan, Mexico? Yes, a psychopath gave clues and none of the governments took it into account; Because the period of offenses covers at least 6 state and 5 federal governments, and I dare ask, do these flaws in style coincide with the dissertation being canceled as the only option for a college degree?

What Grau Serra, director of the series, presents and suggests is: the religion of the justice system and the creation of consciousness in society. In five episodes programmed on Open TV and on Justice Channel (June 27-July 1, 2022), lack of coordination in the police force, lack of records, and corruption as evidence goes through (sold). to the popular press) and the re-victimization of mourners. This is the importance of research, to understand the causes or to suggest solutions, with a rigorous methodology, typical of science. Outright indignation is understood when society ignores reprehensible facts, with corrupt public ministries, and impunity as a result of a blind justice system. In the social sciences, it is necessary to return to research as an inevitable tool to be a professional in all its lettering, not just for the sake of enjoying a piece of paper. Awesome challenge.

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* Political scientist, professor-researcher. Founding Member of AMECIP and Membership Secretary (2022-2024) Mail: [email protected]