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A UNSL scientist will join the National Academy of Sciences

A UNSL scientist will join the National Academy of Sciences

The eminent scientist from the National University of San Luis (UNSL) and Conicet, Esteban Jobbágy, will be incorporated into the prestigious National Academy of Sciences (ANC) in a law that will take place next Friday at 6:00 pm. Córdoba, where he will present a conference entitled “Argentine Agriculture Facing Environmental Challenges and Some Thoughts on the Relationship between Science, Policy and Production”.

Jobbágy is an agronomist from the University of Buenos Aires, a physician in biology from Duke University (USA), and a senior researcher in the Environmental Studies Group (GEA) at UNSL and Conicet in San Luis, where they are currently investigating over 30 people.

The National Academy of Sciences, whose aim is to develop and disseminate exact and natural sciences, to study and explore the territory of the country and to advise governments and scientific institutions, seeks to recognize Jobbágy for carrying him into the development of his specialty in Argentina.

Likewise, the foundation is due to his scholarly and personal background, which includes more than 180 notable papers in ecology, soils, hydrology and land use.

Among his merits, Jobbágy has been awarded a Scholar of the Nation, a Konex Honors Diploma, a Guggenheim Scholarship, and has also been named a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. In addition, he is the general editor of Ecología Austral.

The ANC Act will be launched next Friday in Cordoba and will be broadcast live on YouTube.

Source: UNSL / SD News.

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