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Register until Friday, in social work and political science jobs - make society

Register until Friday, in social work and political science jobs – make society

This Wednesday began the course of preparation for college life (entry seminar), at the College of Social Work located on Almirante Brown, approximately Avenida Ramirez de Paraná. It’s for social work and political science jobs, and it’s college jobs. It came to Eleven BA Political Science, Lorena Bunten.

And regarding the inscriptions, he confirmed that “given the request that we have decided for this week, until next Friday, he left the inscriptions open. They can do it in a simple and agile procedure, you start with the social service page and when they come they have to approve all the documents in person.”

The two are bachelor’s degrees, both five years. “Both professions are in a deep relationship around the social. They have a very wide job opportunity and it is increasing.”

“Social professions provide some keys to analyzing and thinking about what we are going through, especially because of current world events,” he added.

This year, “Panorama tends to be cautious vis-a-vis, while respecting measures of care and distance. He noted that the admissions cycle is vis-à-vis.
