As a representative of the Federal Council for Science and Technology, Mauro Carrasco, Minister of Science, Technology, Productive Innovation and Culture of Chubut, was a member of the Excellence Committee for the 2021 Hosai, Hosei Trikorea and George Sabato Awards, which honor CONICET scientists and scholars for knowledge generation, social and productive impact, and human resource training.
On the panel, Chubut government official was accompanied by Carolina Vera, representative of the Inter-institutional Council on Science and Technology, and Minister of Planning and Policy in Science, Technology and Innovation, Diego Hurtado.
The awards are carried out by the Secretariat for Planning and Policy in Science, Technology and Innovation at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of the nation. Also participating in the selection process were the Technical Secretariat of the Awards, the Advisory Committee, four evaluation committees made up of renowned scholars from different fields of knowledge, and the Excellence Committee responsible for the instance of the final evaluation.
During this release, 200 applications were received and confirmed, of which 52% are researchers and 48% are researchers. Regarding the regions represented by the nominees, 155 of them reside in the Central Region, 21 in Patagonia, 11 in Cuyo, 11 in the Northwest, and 2 in the Northeast.
The Committee of Excellence made up of Mauro Carrasco initially received the coordinators of the four evaluation committees of distinguished researchers of the Argentine nation, who made their recommendations in the shortlists and then proceeded to select the investigators and investigators winning each award. .
Winners and winners
Biological sciences (molecular, organisms and systems) and biochemistry:
Hosay Path Award: Maria Isabel Colombo, CONICET Senior Researcher at the Institute of Histology and Embryology in Mendoza, Dr. Mario H. Burgos (IHEM, CONICET – UNCU).
Hosay Prize: Natalia Welk, CONICET Principal Investigator at the Cordoba Center for Biological Chemistry Research (CIQUIBIC, CONICET-UNC).
Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Astronomy:
Hosai Path Award: Daniel Raul Pace, who was a CONICET Senior Researcher at the National Atomic Energy Authority (CNEA).
Houssay Prize: Yanina Fasano, CONICET Independent Researcher at the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (INN, CONICET-CNEA).
Non-Biological Chemistry, Earth, Water and Atmospheric Sciences:
Hosai Path Award: Alejandro Cesar Oliveri, CONICET Senior Researcher at the Rosario Institute of Chemistry (IQUIR, CONICET-UN).
Hosai Prize: Ariel Marcello Sarruti, CONICET independent researcher at the Rosario Institute of Chemistry (IQUIR, CONICET-UN).
Social sciences:
Houssay Trajectory Award: Dora Estela Celton who was a CONICET Senior Researcher at the Center for Research and Studies on Culture and Society (CIECS, CONICET-UNC).
Hosay Prize: Valeria Luciana Arza, CONICET Independent Researcher at the Center for Transformation Research (CENIT-EEYN) and the School of Economics and Business at San Martin National University.
Jorge Sabato Prize: Silvia Narguines, CONICET Senior Researcher at the Buenos Aires Institute of Physics (IFIBA, CONICET-UBA).
Finally, the Committee of Excellence decided to propose to the President of the Nation, Alberto Fernandez, the nomination of Daniel Raul Pace, among the four winners and winners of the Hosai Path Awards, to distinguish the Argentine Nation’s Inquisitor.

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