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Registrations for Unne are closed and will open again in February

Registrations for Unne are closed and will open again in February

The National University of the Northeast (Unne) reported that the registration period for various academic offerings closed yesterday.

The registration period is defined in two parts. The first, started on December 1st, and ended yesterday for 12 college positions at Unne.

Among those that closed are agricultural sciences, veterinary sciences, dentistry, medicine, law and social and political sciences, exact, natural and surveying sciences, architecture and urbanism, humanities, economics, engineering, arts, design and cultural sciences, and the Institute of Forensic Sciences and Criminology. Meanwhile, the second registration period, which will be during 2022, will be divided into four specific instances for some academic offerings: from February 2 to February 11, 2022 for the Faculties of Exact and Natural Sciences, Surveying, Engineering and Agricultural Sciences.

From February 1 to March 11, 2022, it will open for the Institute of Agribusiness (Faculty of Veterinary Sciences), the Foreign Trade Profession (Faculty of Economics) and Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Cultural Development (Faculty of Arts, Design and Cultural Sciences).

Between February 1 and February 28, 2022 there will be a registration period in the Auction and Trade Corridor (Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences).

Finally, from July 1 to July 29, 2022 registration in the Supplementary Course of Notaries for Lawyers, Profession of Auctioneer and Commercial Realtor, Technical Courses in Central Administration Administration, Parliamentary Administration, Judicial Administration and Municipal Administration, all offers from the Faculty of Law.

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