The products that we choose in our diet can help us improve our physical and mental health or, on the contrary, worsen it. Eating healthy is easy, you won’t waste time, and you won’t be spending more money either.
The key to healthy eating is diversity, eating everything, and choosing “live” foods that will rot after a period of preservation. That is, fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs, white meat … this is the basis of a healthy diet.
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she is one from Wild fruits With more antioxidant properties (can be taken every day). They, in turn, contain vitamins A, C, and E, as well as important minerals such as calcium, potassium and zinc, which help strengthen defenses, which is essential at this time of year. Blackberry juice can be a good ally for those who suffer from inflammation throat.
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An apple
As the Anglo-Saxon proverb says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” To what does it owe its good reputation? An extensive list of Antioxidant propertiesDerived from the contribution of vitamins and fiber, this food makes it an essential companion for dealing with disorders of the body, as it is in the cold months. In addition, it is a fruit that can be eaten daily, and in several units, so it helps you control hunger, not click, and above all, not eat foods that could harm you.

Grapes food Very complete, it is rich in sugars and salts Minerals (Potassium, calcium, and magnesium), vitamins A, C and group B vitamins. It is easy to digest and has diuretic, cleansing, and laxative properties. Of course, being rich in sugar, it is convenient for people Diabetic Avoid them. It provides 84 calories per 100 grams. Plus, your skin is rich in tannins and antioxidants.
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Although we all associate vitamin C with oranges or other citrus fruits, there are other foods that contain it as well. This is the case with broccoli, a food very rich in this vitamin and antioxidants. Also, it is Low in calories, So it helps when it comes to taking care of health and preventing premature aging of cells. Experts recommend taking it once a week.
Although, as we know, there is no therapeutic food per se, there are fruits and vegetables that should be in our healthy diet because they contain substances that are beneficial to our health. This is the case with lettuce. It is ideal for consumption every day due to its low calories and versatility, it is a good ally for weight loss and rich in nutrients. Vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2 and B3, magnesium, calcium and potassium.

This fruit is good Anti-inflammatory For those who consume it, as it helps fight diseases such as fibromyalgia or muscle pain. It is also ideal when you want to lower your cholesterol levels and have a large number of them Antioxidant properties. Finally, experts recommend consuming about 25 units of blueberries three times a week.
This is very rich Vitamins A and B. And in minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorous, so it can be taken almost daily. In addition to helping you lose weight, it is recommended to use chard for the winter, because thanks football And their vitamin K benefits bone health, which often wanes during this time.
It is a low-calorie food with a low content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, so it is ideal for any diet. As well as that, It contains vitamin B6, folic acid, and vitamin B5 Minerals such as potassium and phosphorous. Finally, thanks to its high water content, cauliflower has diuretic properties, and experts recommend eating it every 3 or 4 days.
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