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6 aspects of disease that are often misunderstood

6 aspects of disease that are often misunderstood

There are some misconceptions regarding the diagnosis and symptoms of dementia patients in its early stages.

People recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease may find it difficult to cope with their diagnosis. Photo: shutterstock.

This condition includes a set of Characterized by symptoms memory lossLanguage problems, mood swings, and deficits in thinking and reasoning that interfere with activities of daily living. AD is the most common form of mental illness s It affects more than 6 million people in the United States.

It is worth noting that it is a progressive disease that leads to a continuous exacerbation of its symptoms mental illness over time. People with Alzheimer’s disease are often able to function independently in the early stages of the disease, but they have to rely more and more on caregivers for daily activities as the disease progresses.

People recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease Alzheimer’s disease They may find it difficult to come to terms with their diagnosis and need support. Despite friends and family wanting to be supportive, they may avoid interacting with the person with Alzheimer’s for fear of negatively affecting their mood.

Avoid association with people with Alzheimer’s disease Promotes feelings of isolation and stigmaAnd it can hurt your sense of self-esteem. Here are some common misconceptions about Alzheimer’s disease among friends and family, according to people who have it mental illness at an early stage.

Because of better surveillance, individuals are increasingly being diagnosed in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. It is important to realize that These people in the early stages are still able to live independently They continue to achieve goals they might want to achieve.

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Caregivers and family members may be able to help people plan ahead and maintain a good quality of life as the disease progresses.

  • A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease does not identify a person

Patients maintain a sense of self until the last stages of mental illness and family members They should be careful not to simply see them from the perspective of their illness.

Evil Alzheimer’s disease It does not change an individual’s preference for activities or relationships. People continue to enjoy meaningful activities of daily living, including gatherings with friends and family, in the later stages of the disease.

“In the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease,” said Dr. Peter Rabins, professor emeritus at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. Alzheimer’s diseaseAnd the Many people are able to maintain their usual level of social and personal interactions. As the disease progresses, it can become more difficult if old friends and acquaintances become separated from the person.”

“At each stage of the disease, it is more important that a person interacts with others and less important exactly what is being said,” he added.

Family members should listen patiently to people with Alzheimer’s disease and avoid dealing with or engaging in “older talk.”

  • fluctuation of symptoms

Symptoms shown by patients fluctuate from day to day. on certain days, They may show improved cognitive function and improved mood. However, the same person may show more severe symptoms, such as anxiety, agitation, irritability, and increased word frequency on bad days.

  • Alzheimer’s disease An early start
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anyway It mainly affects people over 65 years of age.Young people account for about 5-10% of all cases. The onset of this disease in people under 65 years of age is called Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease An early start.

Imagine that it is a condition that only affects the elderly It can cause young people to ignore symptoms From EA and delay the search for help needed.

Friends or family members may not be sure how to respond to news of a person’s diagnosis. This may lead to communication with the spouse or caregiver about the patient’s health.

people who live with mental illness They tend to perceive such conversations as condescension, Which promotes loneliness and shame. Instead, a direct conversation with the patient about their health is more likely to be received as caring.

Denial is also a common reaction among friends and family members of people who have recently been diagnosed.. This denial can manifest in comments that the individual is too young or appears to be functioning “normally” to be diagnosed.

Although not malicious, such comments may sound dismissive. They may overlook the psychological difficulties of coping with the diagnosis of an individual with Alzheimer’s disease and the impairment caused by the condition itself.

  • Measures to raise awareness

These myths underscore the need for concerted efforts to eliminate the stigma and misunderstanding associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease.

Joseph Gugler, director of the Center for Healthy Aging and Innovation at the University of Minnesota, said: “We often see Alzheimer’s disease Through the biomedical lens of disease, but as people living with mental illnessare still “here” and They have dreams and preferences that we must respect.

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“Individuals, program planners, and policy makers should keep in mind that people need different forms of supports depending on who they are, their lifelong interests, and the disease they currently have,” Dr. Rabins said.

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