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5Es: How to Convert Students into Scholars

5Es: How to Convert Students into Scholars

It was developed in Spain by International Science Teaching Foundation (ISTF), The educational project Science bit Brings to the school the teaching template for 5E: PreachesAnd the ExploresAnd the He explainsAnd the Clarification s Lives (Motivation, Exploration, Explanation, Clarification, and Evaluation), a methodology that promotes learning through guided exploration and thinking, which promotes deeper learning, which is comprehensible and can be transferred to new situations.

Now, a study published by the University of Barcelona (UB) and the University of Rovira i Virgili (URV) support important topics Improvements in students between the fifth of elementary and fourth of ESO Of the scientific topics. Over five years, short and long-term conceptual learning was analyzed for students from two centers that offered the program in science classes, compared to two centers that maintained more traditional methods based on current textbooks.

The conclusion is that the conceptual learning is for students who have studied using Science Bits Improvement of about half the standard deviation With regard to teachers that have preserved the traditional methods.

The experience simulators are so realistic that they allow you to turn a standard classroom into a lab

“The 5E Model provides us with a well-structured framework Five types of activities It consists in activating prior knowledge through a relevant context (PreachesExplore scientific concepts in a logical and collaborative way.Explores), Formalization and structure of new knowledge (He explains), Apply this knowledge in other contexts by implementing a group project.Clarification(And recovering the knowledge gained to solve various problems)Lives), Explains Michael Martin, professor of science and mathematics at School “Allure Foundation” Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona), one of the centers that provided Science Bits that were analyzed through the study.

Pep Espejol, professor of science and educational director for Solc School In Barcelona, ​​the other educational center analyzed, the “Science Bits” methodology is “very correct” because it is “based on” Knowledge building From exploration, inference, and contextual application. ”

As revealed the experience at Solc School after these years Two more powers. On the one hand, the department’s activities Lives Allow prof Evaluation For education Contextual, rich and transversal. “This is a good example that by changing the calendar, we are changing the way we teach and learn,” says Espegol. On the other hand, the simulators are so realistic that they allow it Turn a standard classroom into a labBut they are also proposing to the teachers a series of practices that can be implemented in a real way in the center’s lab.