The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Cordoba has developed the registration calendar for the year 2022 for admission to various positions for that academic unit.
Meanwhile, Dean of FCA-UNC, Ing. Agr. Marcelo Conrero confirmed to Agroverdad that next week it will resume “compulsory essential practical activities” for students already studying and who have been restricted or even suspended due to COVID restrictions.
Income 2022
The Academic Secretary of the College, Argentine Engineer Paola Campitelli, reported that two shifts have been set for the 2022 Income Commentary, in order to facilitate secondary students to complete their studies at this level or obtain documents to be able to access the university part.
At FCA-UNC, 4 positions are studied so far: Agricultural Engineering, Animal Engineering, Bachelor’s Degree in Agro-Food and University Technologies in Horticulture and Floristry. Soon, two more academic proposals will be added: Bachelor’s Degree in Landscape Design and University Technology in Landscape Design, which is taught jointly with the School of Architecture.
In 2021, more than 1,000 new arrivals
In 2021, 955 students entered the college, with the historical fact that women outnumbered men: 508 and 447, respectively.
Later, an aúlica extension was added at Deán Funes, with 126 students, total income for 2021 to 1,081 students who entered this year.

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