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El éxodo masivo entre las filas del Equipo Cuba de béisbol que participó en el Mundial Sub 23 en México no tiene precedentes

2 other players run away and go 11 – full swing

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October 2, 2021

The exodus of the Cuban baseball team that participated in the U-23 World Cup in Mexico is unprecedented

Written by Jerry Diaz / @Jerryto94

It was a mass exodus among the ranks of The Cuban baseball team that participated in the FIFA U-23 World Cup in Mexico It is unprecedented. On Saturday afternoon, bowler Brian Che was known to give up in Havana, and at night the name of two other players was revealed.

Frances Romero reported on her Twitter account about the leak Laudel Chapelle And yandy jans Between five and six in the afternoon, local time, after arriving with the team at the hotel, after losing the match for third place in the championship.

Sources: Two more players leave the Cuba Hotel in Hermosillo. They are Laudel Chappelli Jr. (19) and Yande Yannis (23), both from Camagi. Exits rise to 11, which is approximately 50% of salaries. Chappelle Jr. is one of the most in-demand players by MLB scouts. https://t.co/BJxopBjvCD

Both from Camagüey, Loidel is a defensive player who has performed in the last two National Series. Postseason played for Bulls in 2019-20 as runner-up after beating the Industrial in the semi-finals and losing to Matanzas in the final. In these two seasons, he left a .305/.419/.434 (AVG/OBP/SLG) offensive streak and is currently 19 years old.

Yannis brings together four seasons in the Cuban League. The 23-year-old had a .283/.376/.350 slash from his debut in 2017 until the last harvest in Cuba.

Do you want to see two Tweet embed confrontation? 👉 Only in #JuegodeEstrellas #SantiagodeCuba2020 Here Yandy Yanes receives Madam Frank with a cannon to the RF https://t.co/78ASGfUDPB

In this way, there are already 11 Cuban players who have decided to take a path independent of INDER and the Cuban authorities. Let’s keep in mind that 46% of baseball players have run away, which, according to team manager Ariel Sanchez, was formed with “discipline and patriotism” in mind.