Currently, 10 outstanding Cuban scientists are part of the World Academy of Sciences, with 3 new researchers selected to join in January 2022.
world academy of sciences, TWASIt is an organization founded in Italy in 1983 by a group of scientists led by Nobel laureate Abdus Salam.
This organization awards more than 600 PhD scholarships every year to researchers from developing countries. In addition, it awards approximately $1 million annually in research grants to scholars and research groups. It also assists visiting scholars and provides funding for regional and international scientific meetings.
These 10 Cubans are part of a group of 584 scientists from around the world, who provide peer review of proposals for grants, scholarships, and research prizes submitted to the Academy by scholars and institutions from developing countries.
10 Cubans in the World Academy of Sciences
These ten distinguished Cuban scholars participate in the selection of research grants, grants and prizes for researchers from developing countries.
1. Tania Crompt Ramos
Cuban, Tania Crompt, is director of clinical research at the Center for Molecular Immunology in Cuba. She is also an expert in research, development, and clinical trials of treatments and vaccines, such as the CIMAvax-EGF non-small cell vaccine in cancer patients.
2. Gerardo Gillen Nieto
This Cuban scientist is the director of biomedical research at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. In addition, he is a Doctor of Biological Sciences and a Researcher in Biotechnology.
3. Ernesto Alchuler Alvarez
Altshuler Alvarez is an associate professor at Harvard University’s School of Physics and editor of the Cuban Journal of Physics. In addition, he authored several investigations on ferromagnetic materials related to magnetism and superconductivity.
4. Liliam Alvarez Diaz
This Cuban scientist specializes in nuclear physics (rapid neutron spectroscopy), in numerical methods of differential equations. In addition, he has directed 15 research projects in his specialization in Numerical Analysis. She also specialized in women’s topics in science.
5. Luis Herrera Martinez
He is a Doctor of Medicine and Biological Sciences. He is also a professor and researcher specializing in genetics.
6. Lila Castellanos Serra
Laila Castellanos has a BA in Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences. He specializes in biotechnology and protein chemistry.
7. Hugo Perez Rojas
The Cuban scientist holds a doctorate in physical and mathematical sciences. In addition, he specializes in mathematics, classical mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and statistical physics.
8. Maria Guadalupe Guzman
Guzmán has a Doctor of Medicine and Science, a Master’s degree in Virology and a Doctor of Science. He also chairs the IPK Scientific Council. He specializes in research in virology and dengue.
9. Manuel Limonta
Lemonta was the director of biotechnology at the Institute of Hematology in Cuba. He specializes in genetic engineering and biotechnology. He is currently Vice President of the World Academy of Sciences, until 2031.
10. Vicente Guillermo Ferrez Bencomo
He is director of the Finlay Vaccine Institute and Center for the Study of Synthetic Antigens at the University of Havana. He specializes in designing vaccines.
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