Agustina Buccella has a PhD in computer science and works in the School of Informatics at Kumahu National University. It was proposed by the province of the Neuquén Agency for Innovation for Development.
Audio by Agustina Buccella, PhD in Computer Science
The district of Neuquén, through the Neuquén Agency for Innovation for Development (Anide), has proposed the candidacy of the doctor of computer science, Agustina Buccella, to the first federal meeting on future leadership and communications, where 24 representatives from the whole country are participating.
It targets women scientists who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in their contributions to the science and technology system, with potential for transfer in their regions. The Neuquen academic has extensive experience as a researcher and educator. In addition, she has held leadership positions such as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Trustee for Research at Kumahoe National University (UNCo).
The Futuras Program will take place in Buenos Aires from May 15-20 and is organized by the Banco de la Nación Argentina, the Sadosky Foundation and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Mincyt), through the Cultural Center for Science, the National Program for Gender Equality and the Undersecretary of the Union of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Its main objective is to provide the tools for scientists to exercise leadership positions throughout the country and will consist of organizing conferences, training activities, visits to scientific entities and meetings with scientists and women who hold hierarchical positions in regulated institutions and in science and technology organizations.
According to the latest update of the Diagnostic on the Status of Women in Science and Technology, only 31% of managerial positions in science and technology organizations are held by women. This fact highlights the difficulty of accessing decision-making positions in science, technology and innovation management. In this scenario, it is strategic to advocate the equitable fulfillment of quotas and to develop the capabilities of future authorities of scientific and technological institutions.
a path
Agustina Buccella is a Professor of Databases, teaching topics such as storage and analysis of big data, in the School of Informatics at UNCo. She holds a PhD and MSc in Computer Science from Universidad Nacional del Sur, as well as a BSc in Computer Science from UNC.
In addition, she is a Conicet Scholar, served as Secretary of Research and Graduate Studies in the College of Informatics from 2014 to 2022, and a member of the Alumni Board and Vice Dean of the College of Informatics at UNCo.
She has been a director and researcher of several research and development projects, a jury for theses, dissertations and project evaluation, has participated in many science and technology events and has publications in scientific journals and books.

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