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The number of deaths due to rain in El Salvador rose to nine

The number of deaths due to rain in El Salvador rose to nine

A civil protection member checks the flow of a river on Sunday in San Salvador (El Salvador). EFE / Rodrigo Sora

Three people were killed in a landslide and two others died when they lost control of their car in western El Salvador early Monday morning.Which brings to nine deaths due to the heavy rains that have struck the Central American country since Friday.

Salvadoran police said that the three people died when they were buried by a landslide in the municipality of Tacuba, in the province of Ahuachapan on the border with Guatemala. The Minister of the Interior and Head of Civil Protection, Juan Carlos Bidegin, confirmed in an interview with local television that two of the deceased were minors.

In addition to these five dead, two children died on Monday when a wall collapsed while they were in their home. On Saturday, another person died after being covered in dirt, and on Sunday a man died on the outskirts of the capital after a tree and a power line pole fell on the car in which he and other people were traveling.

Civil protection services warned that, according to the forecasts of the Environmental Observatory of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, temporary rains will continue at least until Tuesday.

The observatory reported that a depression with a development of 30% off the coast of Guatemala and a second depression with a probability of 50% developing in Yucatan, Mexico, near the Gulf of that country, are responsible for maintaining humidity and rain in El Salvador and the rest. From Central America.

Rain in El Salvador (AFP)

Both systems encourage the entry of abundant moisture from the Pacific Ocean into our territory, maintaining storm conditions with very heavy rainfall, ranging from continuous to intermittent.More accumulated rainfall is also expected in the coastal strip and the volcanic mountain range.

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Authorities warned of a “very high” possibility of urban flooding and flash floods that could lead to rivers overflowing.

In addition, there is a high probability of landslides and rock falls, affecting roads and highways, especially in the mountainous areas of the north of the country, as well as in the San Salvador metropolitan area and important volcanic areas.

Environment and Natural Resources Minister Fernando Lopez said on a local television program that weather conditions would remain between Monday and Tuesday. He explained, “The duration of the rainfall exceeded 10 hours in most areas of the country, and at some points it continued for more than 16 continuous hours.” At this moment, 100% of the area is on red alert.For Tuesday, a slight decrease in rain is expected, “but we continue to be on red alert due to soil saturation.”

According to official forecasts, if the climate phenomenon continues, the average rainfall over five days could reach 750 mm, which is just over 25% of the annual average.

The Director of Civil Protection, Luis Alonso Amaya, reported that they had enabled 100 shelters to serve 6,000 people across the country, of which 23 were active, with a total of 589 people, and warned that due to the dangerous situation in vulnerable areas, the evacuation of people may be ordered. He urged residents to comply with calls when asked to evacuate, because the government’s priority is “to protect the lives of Salvadorans.”

Amaya also confirmed that some roads were closed due to fallen trees and landslides, including the highway leading to the border province of Ahuachapan, but said the Public Works Department was already working to restore connectivity.

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Due to these conditions, El Salvador’s civil protection authorities issued a red alert throughout the territory on Sunday, and the National Congress declared a 15-day national emergency. The decree enables institutions to manage and direct funds to mitigate the effects of the emergency. In addition, it enables the acquisitions and strengthening of purchases necessary to address the situation in a rapid manner.

The national civil police, the armed forces and various relief agencies must participate quickly and in a timely manner in the evacuation of people and security institutions must ensure the protection of victims’ property.

(With information from AP)