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Paola Andrea has achieved this: she is the first doctor of biological sciences from UD Caldas

Paola Andrea has achieved this: she is the first doctor of biological sciences from UD Caldas

Image courtesy of the University of Caldas of La Patria

The University of Caldas notes that Paola Andrea is a biologist at the institution, holds a master’s degree in biological sciences, and was selected in 2022 as a Woman in Science.

Country: Manizales

The University of Caldas notes in its bulletin issued on Monday: “With her award-winning doctoral thesis, Paola Andrea Ossa becomes the first doctor in biological sciences from the University of Caldas.”

The Foundation adds that this evaluation recognizes the research work carried out by Paola Andrea, a biologist from UE Caldas, who holds a Master’s degree in Biological Sciences and was selected as a 2022 Woman in Science.

What does your study consist of?

Caldas University points out:

1. “His work focuses on studying mammalian-associated ticks in the Colombian Orinocoya. His area of ​​research focuses on interactions between vectors, pathogens and hosts in this region of the country.

2. “Paula not only used classical and morphological tools, but also incorporated new technologies such as obtaining mitochondrial genomes and microbiome sequencing to detect diseases that are usually neglected in our country.”

The Higher Education Center Review adds that before Paula received jury judgment for her doctoral thesis, she had published six scientific articles as first author, five articles in Q1 journals and one in Q2 journals. In addition, she has co-authored four articles drawn from her research in Orinocoya.

“This record of international publications, added to his applied work since his undergraduate studies, is a source of pride not only for his research group, but for the entire university community at UD Caldas.”

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My doctoral thesis director is Freddy Harvey Rivera Baez:

“Happiness, pride and conviction are what we feel when we tell Caldas University that yes we can and that our research processes are of high quality standards.”

Doing excercise

Rivera Baez adds that if what was stated in Paula’s doctoral thesis is applied, it will have a positive impact on the study and treatment of neglected diseases that cause many deaths in the country.

“What I highlight is her perseverance, as it was a meritorious thesis for her undergraduate degree, a winning thesis for her master’s degree, and now it is a winning thesis for her doctoral degree,” he said.

questions and answers

The press office also shared a conversation with

Press Office: What does this recognition mean to you?

Paola Andrea Ossa Lopez: This recognition is a great honor and a source of motivation to continue my work. This means that the research we conduct in Colombia’s Orinoquia is having an impact and that the scientific community appreciates our efforts. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of ticks as vectors of disease, an issue that is often overlooked.

OP: Can you tell us more about your research area and why you chose this approach?

Bo: My research area focuses on mammalian-associated ticks in the Colombian Orinoco and interaction networks between vectors, pathogens and hosts in this region. I chose this approach because tick-borne diseases represent a global and national health problem and have not received the same attention as other disease vectors such as mosquitoes. Furthermore, the Orinoquia region is a region rich in biodiversity but little studied in terms of disease ecology.

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OP: What challenges did you face during your research and how did you overcome them?

Bo: The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the biggest challenges. We also faced a fire in our laboratory that paralyzed our activities. On a personal level, it has been difficult to leave my comfort zone and adapt to new tools and technologies. We overcame these challenges thanks to synchronized teamwork and collaboration with national and international experts.

OP: What personal strengths and the strength of the research team do you consider essential to these accomplishments?

Question: On a personal level, discipline and consistent work have been key. As for the team, working with a strong and harmonious group was crucial. Collaboration with experts and the ability to publish in internationally indexed journals was also important.

OP: What message would you like to convey to new generations of scientists?

Bo: I would tell you that intelligence is important, but persistence is key. Difficulties are part of the path, but with discipline and a supportive team, it is possible to achieve high quality standards in research. Achievements are not achieved alone. I’ve learned that throughout my career.”

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