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NASA predicts a “once in a lifetime” event that can be seen from Earth without a telescope

NASA predicts a “once in a lifetime” event that can be seen from Earth without a telescope

the The National Center for Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA (NASA, for its abbreviation in English) announced that during this northern summer there will be an event all over the world “Once in a lifetime”. This is the type of “nova” that would occur in a small constellation. According to specialists, it will attract the new generation of astronomers.

In a press release, NASA indicated this The exact date when this event will occur is unknown, but it will be in the northern summer or fall at the latest. For Dr. Rebecca Hounsell, a researcher at the space agency, it is “a once-in-a-lifetime event that will create many new astronomers, giving young people a cosmic event that they will be able to observe for themselves, and ask their children.” Their own questions and their own data collection.

As they explained, The “Blazing Star” is a binary system located in the Northern Crown, about 3,000 light-years from Earth. Land. It consists of a “white dwarf”, that is, the remains of a dead Earth-sized star with a mass similar to ours. sunAnd the “old red giant.” The latter loses hydrogen due to the gravity of the former.