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Jorge Sanchez will reveal the reason for his separation from Porto

Jorge Sanchez will reveal the reason for his separation from Porto

Last April, this was announced Jorge SanchezIn addition to three other players He was separated from the team Porto Because of the coach’s decision Sergio ConceicaoThree months later the Mexican footballer promised Reveal the reason Which was separated from the dragons.

Jorge Sanchez added three months of inactivity

After the match between Mexico and Jamaica in Copa America 2024the 26-year-old shared a little about what the last few matches have been like Three months In his professional life as well professional football player, Which did not prevent him from being considered by Jaime Lozano as part of Mexican national team.

“Now I’m very happy, very happy, happy with my family. Because Only they and I know what we went through However, I was someone who never gave up, never stopped fighting. After existence Three months without activity “And now for us to come in and show that quality, and to be the guys that ran the most according to the stats, I think that’s something that tells me it’s worth it.”

“I’m here for whatever the coach needs.Sanchez added: “Or if you need to be on the bench I will support you from there, and if you need to be on the inside I will try to give my best.”

Jorge Sanchez promises to break the silence at Porto

Although he did not want to go into details, the former national team player America And the Ajax He promised that he would soon provide details about the reason for his dismissal from his position Portowhich is the team he joined Summer 2023 After passing Dutch League.

“I was not considered because of the circumstances that I know of, which I won’t tell you now, but that I’ll be happy to talk later. I know what happened, but It was a learning experience I had.”

It is worth noting that when this was announced Jorge Sanchez have separated from Portothe press Portugal He stressed that the decision was up to him The performance was ‘completely rejected by the club’which later Sergio Conceicao He added: “To work in Porto, it is not enough to have a contract, it is necessary more.”

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